Thank you for reading my blog! I hope that those of you who tried out the Pomegranate Tekiah drink enjoyed it. Those of you who didn't get a chance to try it yet, it's not too late!! It is still the season of pomegranates and wishing a happy new year to those who go by the Jewish/Hebrew calendar sometimes.
This drink is for the upcoming holiday of Sukkot, which starts this Wednesday Oct 4th in the evening and ends next week on Oct 13th with the holidays of Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. This drink can work for the whole week, either as a cocktail, as a shot, or even as a non-alcoholic drink.
I would like to dedicate this drink blog and recipe to those affected by recent hurricanes. I hope that this brings a little more hope and sweetness to the world and inspiration for people to give and donate to help with the hurricane relief.
Sukkot is a time where some Jews build huts or sukkot to eat in and sometimes even sleep in for 7 days of the holiday. One of the main reasons that we have this practice is to help to remind us of the time with the people of Israel lived in huts on the journey from Egypt to the land of Israel. This holiday brings back memories to when I was in Canada with my family and we would often be huddled in winter coats and gloves in the sukkah, rushing to pack up the tables and chairs immediately after the meal so that it wouldn't get rained on...which brings me to think about those affected by the hurricanes. As I sit in the many sukkot of family and friends in Chicago, New Jersey, and in New York City, I will definitely be thinking of those who have no permanent home, or whose home(s) was damaged or destroyed.
May the evening blessing of wishing for a sukkah-type shelter of peace come true for us all (hapores sukkat shalom aleinu).
recipe for build-a-sukkah-cocktail:
-1 shot of chocolate liquor
-optional: 1 shot of chocolate-flavored vodka
-optional: 1 shot of peppermint schnapps
-2 (or more, depending on taste) shots of either milk, almond milk, rice milk, name-your-choice of milk
-1 mint leaf
-2, 3 tooth picks
recipe for non-alcoholic version:
-1 shot of chocolate syrup instead of chocolate liquor
-3 shots (or more) of name-your-choice of milk
-1 mint leaf
-2, 3 tooth picks
Check out my instagram account @areasontolchayim for pictures, stories, and more!
Chag Sameach! Have a wonderful Sukkot holiday!
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