Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sparkling Rosh Hashana Sangria

Sparkling Rosh Hashana Sangria

Dear Readers,

During this time, as we approach a new Hebrew year of 5773, many take on the tradition of reflecting on the past year and doing what is called "T'shuva"/repentance, asking for forgiveness from others.  So, I would like to ask your forgiveness, for my lack of blogging for the past several months.  I will try to post on a more regular basis and to make up for it, I will try to add some images along with these words.  

Now, back to the essence of the blog, the drink recipes!  Rosh Hashana has so so many options:  apple martini, pomtini (which is one of my favourites and will definitely include at some point), and my previously mentioned Tekiyah shots.  However, I decided to include a simpler, lighter drink:  a sparkling Rosh Hashana sangria.  I thought that a not-so-intense drink would be best for this time of year when people are reflecting and collecting their thoughts with a clear mind.  Also, the fruit that can be added to the sangria is flexible, so you may add whatever fruits you want.  Perhaps you would like to include a new fruit that you haven't tasted before?  Take this drink on as you would take on the new year:  try new things, reflect, and enjoy a sweet beginning to a good new year.  Just make sure that you at least add some slices of apple, to remind yourself to have a sweet new year, and some pomegranate juice to encourage you to take on many mitzvot (like the many seeds in a pomegranate).  

Recipe (serves about 4 people):
-in a pitcher add:
-small (half inch/cm) slices of one apple (I prefer honey crisp, but whatever floats your boat)
-small slices of 8 strawberries
-small slices of one peach
-4 shots of pomegranate liquor (or triple sec if you do not have this liquor)
-1 cup of pomegranate juice 
-1-2 bottles of sparkling white wine (or sparkling grape juice for a non-alcoholic version)

-refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving

-Shana Tova!