Sunday, December 2, 2012

Candle in the Cloud...a Chanukah Cocktail

Candle in the Cloud...a Chanukah Cocktail

So, the holiday of Chanukah is coming up and fast!  But this year, I am so grateful that the holiday is soon after the Operation Pillar of Defense in Israel.  As many of you know, during that time, there were rockets, missiles, terrible things attacking Israel from Gaza.  But, there was an Iron Dome protecting Israel from many of these rockets.  Because of this protective dome, this whole period of time was refered to as Operation Pillar of Defense or translated from the Hebrew, A Protective Cloud.  

This image of a cloud protecting Israel makes many people think of the pillar of fire that protected the people of Israel from the charging Egyptian army right after they escaped from Egypt.  It also conjures up the image of the protective cloud that followed the people of Israel as they traveled in the desert on their way to the Land of Israel.  These images were in my head during the weeks this November in Israel and provided many, me included, with a tiny glimmer of hope.     

During the holiday of Chanukah, many Jews will be lighting Chanukah candles, another way of bringing light and hope during literally dark and cold wintery nights.  These candles are supposed to trigger memories of our past as a Jewish people.  

There is an Israeli Chanukah song that comes to mind when I think of these candles:

נרותי הזעירים
הם סיפרו לי סיפורים
על עבר של עם
על עבר של עם
ואשמע כל נר ונר
לי קורא קום התעורר
עם חיה וקם
עם חיה וקם

This part of this Israeli Chanukah song struck me as well:  “My little candles/they teach me stories/about the past of the nation/about the past of the nation/and I will listen to each candle/that tells me to get up and wake up/my nation is alive/my nation is alive.”

The candles that we will be lighting on Chanukah tell a story and in turn, the story is meant to teach us about our Jewish identities and of our identity as a strong nation.  We must remember to continue to help to light the way for others and use these little lights as a way to remind ourselves about our stories from the past.  May we draw comfort from these candles during this dark and cold time and may we turn this light and warmth to help others.

In light (get it?  light?? :) of the image of the candle and cloud, may I introduce the Candle in the Cloud Cocktail!  The tastes, smells, and images seen in the one little cocktail, should remind people of the green land of Israel, the cloud of defense, and the sweetness of a hopeful future.

In a glass mug, or a regular glass, add a spoonful of white hot chocolate mix.
Then, add 1/3 of a cup of hot water.  Mix well and let the drink cool for about 10 minutes.  Add one shot of peppermint schnapps and mix again.  Optional step:  Add a drop of grenadine or berry jelly to the glass.  Sip and enjoy!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stars in your Eyes and in the Skies

I know that it's been awhile since I last posted, but it's been a busy couple of months.  The holidays, then the hurricane in New York City, lots of things were taking up my time.  During this time, there was a lot of travelling happening:  travelling to visit family for the holidays, travelling to prepare for the hurricane, travelling to escape the storm (luckily, I just went down the street to weather the storm with a friend, but i was okay the whole time), travelling to parts of the city and beyond to help post-hurricane.  

During the last couple of parshiot in the Torah, we read the stories of our ancestors' travels.  Avraham and Sarah traveled from their home to the land of Canaan.  God promised them descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky.  Then, Rebecca traveled from her home to the land of Canaan to marry Yitzchak.  When they had trouble having children, she prayed to God, asking for children.  Then, low and behold, she becomes pregnant with twins!  In this coming Parsha Toldot, Jacob begins his journey away from his twin brother and home.  He follows the stars along his long journey in the desert.

I was thinking about the idea of stars and what they represent to many.  For some, stars represent guidance in direction.  People used to depend on following the stars in their travels, so the stars in a way guide us when we are lost in our way.  Even Peter Pan used the stars for direction to Never Never Land:  "First star to the right and straight on 'til morning".  For some, stars represent a hope for the future, a light in the darkness perhaps?      Maybe that is why so many New Yorkers are cynical, not enough stars are seen in the skies...;)  

But, I wonder if perhaps if stars are also a reminder of the past as a way of guiding us to our future?  I'm reminded of a quote from a father lion to his little cub in the movie The Lion King:  "Look at the stars.  The great kings of the past look down on us from those whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you.  And so will I."  That idea of having faith that it will be okay, even in the night, while traveling or through the storms, is a powerful and warm thought that I think we can all use during these weeks of dark and starry nights.  Let us all focus on the stars in the skies and in our cocktails, keep having faith, and stay warm during this wintery Hebrew month of Kislev.

Here is a recipe for a Star Cocktail:

Stars in your Eyes and in the Skies

2 shots of vodka
1 shot of Cointreau or Triple Sec
1 tablespoon of orange juice
Fill the rest of the glass with pear juice.  Stir with a teaspoon or stir stick.
Add a slice of star fruit.

Sip and enjoy!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sparkling Rosh Hashana Sangria

Sparkling Rosh Hashana Sangria

Dear Readers,

During this time, as we approach a new Hebrew year of 5773, many take on the tradition of reflecting on the past year and doing what is called "T'shuva"/repentance, asking for forgiveness from others.  So, I would like to ask your forgiveness, for my lack of blogging for the past several months.  I will try to post on a more regular basis and to make up for it, I will try to add some images along with these words.  

Now, back to the essence of the blog, the drink recipes!  Rosh Hashana has so so many options:  apple martini, pomtini (which is one of my favourites and will definitely include at some point), and my previously mentioned Tekiyah shots.  However, I decided to include a simpler, lighter drink:  a sparkling Rosh Hashana sangria.  I thought that a not-so-intense drink would be best for this time of year when people are reflecting and collecting their thoughts with a clear mind.  Also, the fruit that can be added to the sangria is flexible, so you may add whatever fruits you want.  Perhaps you would like to include a new fruit that you haven't tasted before?  Take this drink on as you would take on the new year:  try new things, reflect, and enjoy a sweet beginning to a good new year.  Just make sure that you at least add some slices of apple, to remind yourself to have a sweet new year, and some pomegranate juice to encourage you to take on many mitzvot (like the many seeds in a pomegranate).  

Recipe (serves about 4 people):
-in a pitcher add:
-small (half inch/cm) slices of one apple (I prefer honey crisp, but whatever floats your boat)
-small slices of 8 strawberries
-small slices of one peach
-4 shots of pomegranate liquor (or triple sec if you do not have this liquor)
-1 cup of pomegranate juice 
-1-2 bottles of sparkling white wine (or sparkling grape juice for a non-alcoholic version)

-refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving

-Shana Tova!