So, as some of you regular readers may have noticed, I sometimes have more d'var torah parts to the blog posts and sometimes more cocktail parts to the posts. This is one of those times where I will have more cocktail recipe words than d'var Torah words. Here are the main reasons:
1) In this week's haftarah, the wife of Manoah was specifically asked not to drink "wine or other intoxicants" so that she could have a son. so, this blog kind of goes against that, therefore, not so much d'var torah this week.
2) It is Canada Day this July 1! So, I feel that a cocktail is necessary to celebrate that. Here is a link to the Canadian Heritage website to learn more about Canada Day:
3) Also, this Sunday is July 4th and since I have been living in New York City for awhile now, I feel that it is important for me to celebrate that holiday too, so I have included a red-white-blue cocktail.
Enjoy your freedom and independence!
RED cocktail recipe (sorry, but I couldn't find a red and white one...)
1 oz Fris® apple vodka
2 oz apple juice
1 tsp grenadine syrup
RED WHITE BLUE cocktail (I found the recipe on a British site, ironically enough...),-white-%26amp;-Blue
red , white & Blue Cocktail Ingredients
1/3 shot grenadine
1/3 shot peach schnapps
1/3 shot Blue Curacao
pour grenadine into shot glass. Float peach scnapps on top , then float blue bols on top again. Drink should seperate into three layers like a flag
A nice shot that isn't too strong , it won't blow your head off but it looks pretty smart.